MSNBC’s Symone Sanders Warns: If Trump Wins, Women Will Dress Like Hand­maids

<div>MSNBC's Symone Sanders Warns: If Trump Wins, Women Will Dress Like Handmaids</div>

Say what you might about Don­ald Trump, but one thing he is not is a Puri­tan. This is the man whose roman­tic escapades filled the pages of New York tabloids for decades. For gosh sakes, Trump’s the for­mer own­er of the Miss Uni­verse and Miss USA pageants, where con­tes­tants parad­ed in swimsuits!So Symone Sanders-Townsend’s attempt to scare vot­ers by claim­ing that if Trump is elect­ed, Amer­i­ca will be turned into a dystopi­an world in which women are forced to wear long, loose dress­es, and cov­er their hair with hoods, was ludicrous.On Sun­day’s edi­tion of The Week­end, the MSNBC show she co-anchors, Sanders was respond­ing to Michael Steele, who quot­ed his wife as say­ing she longs for the day when she does­n’t have to think about, talk about, or see Trump in the news.Sanders argued it was nec­es­sary to talk about Trump since he’s run­ning for pres­i­dent:

“And if peo­ple are not pay­ing atten­tion, and we do not tell peo­ple what he’s say­ing … he will get re-elect­ed, and then y’all are going to be sur­prised when, again, the ladies are walk­ing around in red dress­es with those lit­tle white hoods, like The Hand­maid­’s Tale.”

Note: What is it with MSNBC anchors and their …