Say what you might about Donald Trump, but one thing he is not is a Puritan. This is the man whose romantic escapades filled the pages of New York tabloids for decades. For gosh sakes, Trump’s the former owner of the Miss Universe and Miss USA pageants, where contestants paraded in swimsuits!So Symone Sanders-Townsend’s attempt to scare voters by claiming that if Trump is elected, America will be turned into a dystopian world in which women are forced to wear long, loose dresses, and cover their hair with hoods, was ludicrous.On Sunday’s edition of The Weekend, the MSNBC show she co-anchors, Sanders was responding to Michael Steele, who quoted his wife as saying she longs for the day when she doesn’t have to think about, talk about, or see Trump in the news.Sanders argued it was necessary to talk about Trump since he’s running for president:
“And if people are not paying attention, and we do not tell people what he’s saying … he will get re-elected, and then y’all are going to be surprised when, again, the ladies are walking around in red dresses with those little white hoods, like The Handmaid’s Tale.”
Note: What is it with MSNBC anchors and their …