Biden screamed and swore dur­ing pri­vate meet­ing after being told he is los­ing to Trump: Report

Biden screamed and swore during private meeting after being told he is losing to Trump: Report

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is anx­ious and angry about his reelec­tion cam­paign as for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump shows strength in swing states and nation­al­ly.
Biden has been “sec­ond-guess­ing” trav­el and mes­sag­ing for his bid for four more years amid oth­er frus­tra­tions, accord­ing to a report from NBC News.
The report cites sev­er­al peo­ple famil­iar with the Biden cam­paign to illus­trate the frus­tra­tions the pres­i­dent has as his 2020 oppo­nent appears on track to beat him, accord­ing to most polls.
Biden was report­ed­ly “seething” after he was told his han­dling of the war in Gaza had caused poll num­bers in Geor­gia and Michi­gan to drop, with the report alleg­ing he shout­ed and swore. He has also felt “cocooned.” The pres­i­dent wants to speak more with vot­ers and has been frus­trat­ed by restraints placed on him.
In prepar­ing his State of th …