Biden bragged to staff about doing bet­ter than Barack: ‘Oba­ma would be jeal­ous’

Biden bragged to staff about doing better than Barack: ‘Obama would be jealous’

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has bragged to his staff behind closed doors when he has a moment he thinks his for­mer boss, for­mer Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma, might be envi­ous of.
Biden, whose aides report­ed­ly felt that Oba­ma did not val­ue Biden’s insight on for­eign pol­i­cy and Con­gress when he was vice pres­i­dent, would tout that “Oba­ma would be jeal­ous” of cer­tain leg­is­la­tion he has passed in his first term in office, accord­ing to Axios. 
The rela­tion­ship between the two pres­i­dents has always appeared friend­ly and respect­ful on the sur­face, with Oba­ma often prais­ing Biden pub­licly. But Biden’s com­ment hints at an under­ly­ing rival­ry between the pair, who share some of the same staff. 
“Joe and the admin­is­tra­tion are essen­tial­ly fin­ish­ing the job,” Oba­ma told the New York Times in …