CNN Host on PBS: Gen. Kel­ly Says Trump 2nd Term ‘Would Be Fun­da­men­tal­ly a Cat­a­stro­phe’

<div>CNN Host on PBS: Gen. Kelly Says Trump 2nd Term 'Would Be Fundamentally a Catastrophe'</div>

Tax­pay­er-fund­ed PBS may seem in all its pub­lic rela­tions as a bland and civ­il oasis on pub­lic affairs pro­gram­ming, when in real­i­ty it’s just anoth­er red-hot anti-Trump chan­nel like the rest. When the left­ists at The Atlantic mag­a­zine gained edi­to­r­i­al con­trol of the long­time PBS Fri­day night show Wash­ing­ton Week, it turned more intense­ly into a left­ist hoo­te­nan­ny.
So now you can turn to PBS for bit­ter for­mer Trump admin­is­tra­tion employ­ees to denounce him as a brain­less Hitler fan whose sec­ond term would be dev­as­tat­ing to Amer­i­ca.
CNN host Jim Sciut­to has a new book out called Return of the Great Pow­ers, and he was allowed to pro­mote the book on PBS on Fri­day night’s show. The book car­ries a pro­mo­tion­al quote by a “Repub­li­can,” for­mer con­gress­man Adam Kinzinger. So it’s not sur­pris­ing that Sciut­to is tout­ing the tales of …