House Repub­li­cans pre­pare to have Hunter Biden asso­ciate tes­ti­fy from prison

House Republicans prepare to have Hunter Biden associate testify from prison

House Repub­li­cans are prepar­ing for one of Hunter Biden’s for­mer asso­ciates to tes­ti­fy from prison.
House Over­sight Com­mit­tee Chair­man James Com­er (R‑KY) is aim­ing to have Jason Gala­nis, a for­mer busi­ness part­ner of Biden, tes­ti­fy at a hear­ing on Wednes­day.
“He is unable to attend the hear­ing in-per­son as he is cur­rent­ly in fed­er­al cus­tody; the Fed­er­al Bureau of Pris­ons has agreed to allow him to tes­ti­fy remote­ly,” Com­er wrote in a let­ter to House Major­i­ty Leader Steve Scalise (R‑LA) obtained by Axios.
Galanis’s sit­u­a­tion “presents an excep­tion cir­cum­stance worth con­sid­er­a­tion for his remote par­tic­i­pa­tion” and his tes­ti­mo­ny is “crit­i­cal to both the impeach­ment inquiry and to fur­ther the Committee’s leg­isla­tive pur­pos­es,” Comer’s let­ter con­tin­ued.
A Scalise spokesper­son told the out­let that Comer’s request to allow Gala­nis to tes­ti­fy will be grant­ed.
Gala­nis won’t be alone on Wedn …