OLD GRAY KAREN: NYT Pub­lish­es 3,984-Word Eulo­gy Decry­ing Death of Gov’t‑Big Tech Col­lu­sion

OLD GRAY KAREN: NYT Publishes 3,984-Word Eulogy Decrying Death of Gov’t-Big Tech Collusion

The Old Gray Lady con­tin­ues to behave like a Karen trig­gered by people’s abil­i­ty to express their opin­ions about elec­tions freely online. Darn that pesky free speech!
The New York Times effec­tive­ly wrote what amount­ed to a 3,984-word eulo­gy for the death of the dystopi­an thought police. The Times mourned that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s “Allies Are Win­ning the War Over Dis­in­for­ma­tion.” The news­pa­per — act­ing like a speech gate­keep­er — bemoaned that Trump and free speech abso­lutists “have suc­cess­ful­ly stymied the effort to fil­ter elec­tion lies online.” But the same out­let that’s whin­ing abo …