Stim­u­lus update: Direct pay­ment worth $1,312 to be sent to some Alas­ka res­i­dents in three days

Stimulus update: Direct payment worth ,312 to be sent to some Alaska residents in three days

The Alas­ka Depart­ment of Rev­enue will issue checks from the Per­ma­nent Fund Div­i­dend to anoth­er swath of res­i­dents who have yet to receive their pay­ments from the pro­gram in three days.
The lat­est batch of PFD pay­ments will go out on Thurs­day to those who had the “Eli­gi­ble-Not Paid” sta­tus as of Wednes­day and have yet to get their checks from the state pro­gram from 2023 or ear­li­er.
An Alaskan must intend to remain a res­i­dent of the state indef­i­nite­ly and may not be a con­vict­ed felon, among oth­er stip­u­la­tions, to be eli­gi­ble for the pro­gram. The 2024 Per­ma­nent Fund Div­i­dend has appli­ca­tions open from now to March 31, and they may be com­plet­ed either online or via paper form.
The amount a check from the Per­ma­nent Fund Div­i­dend is worth each year is deter­mined by Alaska’s annu­al mi …