Tax watch­dog urges law­mak­ers to con­trol school spend­ing

Tax watchdog urges lawmakers to control school spending

(The Cen­ter Square) — A New York tax­pay­er watch­dog group is urg­ing state law­mak­ers to approve Gov. Kathy Hochul’s plan to throt­tle back school spend­ing through a “hold harm­less” pro­vi­sion in how dis­tricts are fund­ed, call­ing the move nec­es­sary to restrain the budget’s growth.
The report by the Cit­i­zens Bud­get Com­mis­sion said state spend­ing on schools has increased tremen­dous­ly in recent years, and spend­ing restraint is need­ed to close those gaps, which it said can only be accom­plished by lim­it­ing growth in school aid. 
“Slow­ing school aid growth should be done while bet­ter tar­get­ing aid to dis­tricts with high an …