New Mex­i­co Gov­er­nor signs near­ly $1 bil­lion col­lege trust fund into law

New Mexico Governor signs nearly  billion college trust fund into law

(The Cen­ter Square) – New Mex­i­co Gov­er­nor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed Sen­ate Bill 159 this week, estab­lish­ing a near­ly $1 bil­lion tax­pay­er-fund­ed trust and a schol­ar­ship pro­gram fund to fund tuition-free col­lege in New Mex­i­co.
“By cre­at­ing this fund, New Mex­i­co is keep­ing our orig­i­nal promise of tuition-free col­lege for res­i­dents and cement­ing our sta­tus as the nation’s leader for col­lege equi­ty and access,” Gov­er­nor Lujan Grisham said in a state­ment. “Our mon­u­men­tal invest­ments from ear­ly child­hood …