This wealthy GOP Sen­ate can­di­date has an issue pay­ing tax­es on time

This wealthy GOP Senate candidate has an issue paying taxes on time

Sandy Pensler, a wealthy Repub­li­can busi­ness­man run­ning in the pri­ma­ry to be Michigan’s next sen­a­tor, deliv­ered what he thought was a straight­for­ward mes­sage in a March tele­vi­sion adver­tise­ment.
“You’ve seen the inva­sion at our south­ern bor­der,” Pensler, 67, said in the ad. “It’s worse than you think. Sleepy Joe [Biden] is using our tax dol­lars to give cash cards to ille­gals and to peo­ple who can work, but won’t. You work hard, pay your tax­es, play by the rules. But our gov­ern­ment gives out cash cards to those who don’t. Not on my watch. I’m Sandy Pensler. It’s time to take our coun­try back. I approve this mes­sage.”
But Pensler, who has self-fund­ed his 2024 cam­paign with a more than $1 mil­lion loan, appears to have a lia­bil­i­ty that oth­er GOP pri­ma­ry can­di­dates may seek to exploit. While he praised those who pay their tax­es in tha …