AOC’s Dis­trict Called ‘Third World’ Amid Migrant Flea Mar­kets, Pros­ti­tutes

AOC’s District Called ‘Third World’ Amid Migrant Flea Markets, Prostitutes

Migrant flea mar­kets and pros­ti­tutes now line the streets of a Queens neigh­bor­hood that falls with­in Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Alexan­dria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D‑NY) House dis­trict, video shows.
The north­west Queens neigh­bor­hoods of Coro­na, Jack­son Heights, and Elmhurst have become over­run with ille­gal migrants hawk­ing clothes and oth­er items on the street, video first report­ed by Fox News shows.
Large piles of clothes for sale sit on the ground, block­ing parts of the side­walk, while trash over­flows on street cor­ners. Migrants also sell sneak­ers, pots and pans, toys, and pic­ture frames, accord­ing to the video, which was filmed by local res­i­dent Ram­ses Frías.
“We’ve become sort of this epi­cen­ter of crime and pros­ti­tu­tion and ille­gal street vend­ing. It’s tak­en over many streets,” Frí …