ABC, CBS, NBC Let Hunter Biden Get Away With Dodg­ing Pub­lic Tes­ti­mo­ny

ABC, CBS, NBC Let Hunter Biden Get Away With Dodging Public Testimony

Hunter Biden talked a big game about want­i­ng a pub­lic tes­ti­mo­ny but it looks like he’ll be a no show at tomorrow’s sched­uled hear­ing and the broad­cast net­works are let­ting him get away with it, as they con­tin­ue to cov­er for him and the Biden fam­i­ly busi­ness.  
At least Hunter’s long­time busi­ness part­ner Tony Bob­u­lin­s­ki is expect­ed to show up and answer ques­tions at Wednesday’s hear­ing but if recent his­to­ry sug­gests don’t expect any bomb­shells from that tes­ti­mo­ny to see any air­time on ABC, CBS and NBC. Even a men­tion of Bobulinski’s tes­ti­mo­ny would be stun­ning, giv­en his rev­e­la­tions have been almost com­plete­ly ignored.
When Hunter deliv­ered his closed-door tes­ti­mo­ny on Feb­ru­ary 28 he lied, evad­ed or con­tra­dict­ed him­self on at least five sep­a­rate occa­sions. At that time the net­works played defense for Team Biden as News­Busters’ Jorge Bonil­la not­ed …