Chris­tine Blasey Ford says she would ‘do it again’ in reflect­ing on tes­ti­fy­ing against Kavanaugh

Christine Blasey Ford says she would ‘do it again’ in reflecting on testifying against Kavanaugh

Chris­tine Blasey Ford said Tues­day that she would still tes­ti­fy against then-Supreme Court nom­i­nee Brett Kavanaugh when reflect­ing on her tes­ti­mo­ny in 2018, not­ing that the after­math was “sur­viv­able.”
Ford was pro­mot­ing her new book recount­ing her tes­ti­mo­ny and accu­sa­tions against Kavanaugh when she was asked about tes­ti­fy­ing on live tele­vi­sion. The col­lege pro­fes­sor said she was not noti­fied until she was about to give her tes­ti­mo­ny that it would be nation­al­ly broad­cast, result­ing in her and her fam­i­ly hav­ing to leave their home for over three months.
Despite this, she said she would still give her tes­ti­mo­ny if she could go back and do it again, even though it was “the worst thing ever.”

“It was ter­ri­ble after­ward for a cou­ple of years. I had a cou­ple of very bad years, but I sur­vived it,” Ford said on The View.
Sara Haines, one of the co-hosts of The View, not­ed how there are some peo­ple still skep­ti­cal over Ford’s sto­ry against Kavanaugh, ask­ing her if she …