The View Fawns for Blasé Kavanaugh Accuser Who Col­lab­o­rat­ed With Dems

The View Fawns for Blasé Kavanaugh Accuser Who Collaborated With Dems

Chris­tine Blasey Ford, the woman who rose out of obscu­ri­ty in a bid to smear and ruin the life of U.S. Supreme Court Jus­tice Brett Kavanaugh, was out with a new book (sur­prise, sur­prise). Her book tour took her to the set of ABC’s The View on Tues­day, where she was treat­ed to gooey praise and an uncrit­i­cal look at her base­less accu­sa­tions. Ford even admit­ted that she “collaborate[d]” with Demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tors to sink his nom­i­na­tion, but the cast lament­ed she couldn’t do it from a posi­tion of anonymi­ty.
“Well, the book is fan­tas­tic and I know it will help peo­ple and I, like Whoopi, I applaud you on your courage and your brav­ery. That was a very brave thing that you did,” staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) gushed.
In boast­ing ab …