More than 450 Jew­ish fig­ures in Hol­ly­wood slam Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars speech in open let­ter

More than 450 Jewish figures in Hollywood slam Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars speech in open letter

Over 450 Jew­ish cre­atives, pro­fes­sion­als, and exec­u­tives work­ing in Hol­ly­wood crit­i­cized The Zone of Inter­est direc­tor Jonathan Glaz­er in an open let­ter after his Oscars speech in which he refut­ed his own “Jew­ish­ness” in a cri­tique of Israel’s war against Hamas.
Glaz­er accept­ed the Acad­e­my Award for Best Inter­na­tion­al Fea­ture Film for his work, which tells the sto­ry of Auschwitz Com­man­dant Rudolf Hoss and his fam­i­ly as they live out­side the con­cen­tra­tion camp.
Dur­ing his speech, the direc­tor appeared to com­pare the actions of Nazi Ger­many to those of Israel in its war against Hamas fol­low­ing the bru­tal ter­ror­ist attacks on Oct. 7.

“Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jew­ish­ness and the Holo­caust being hijacked by an occu­pa­tion, which has led to con­flict for so many inno­cent peo­ple,” he said. …