News­Na­tion Host: Media’s ‘Blood­bath’ Cov­er­age Will Only Help Don­ald Trump

NewsNation Host: Media’s ‘Bloodbath’ Coverage Will Only Help Donald Trump

News­Na­tion host and Medi­aite founder Dan Abrams warned that the media’s “breath­less” cov­er­age of Don­ald Trump — par­tic­u­lar­ly his recent com­ments pre­dict­ing a “blood­bath” if he los­es his 2024 re-elec­tion bid — was more like­ly to help the for­mer pres­i­dent than to hurt him.
Abrams react­ed to the mul­ti­ple media out­lets and left­ists that had seized upon Trump’s words and sug­gest­ed or out­right claimed that he was invit­ing a lit­er­al blood­bath in the form of polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed vio­lence. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s re-elec­tion cam­paign was among them, argu­ing that Trump’s pre­dic­tion was proof that he “wants anoth­er Jan­u­ary 6.”
But as Abrams was quick to note, as tone deaf as the phrasi …