Trump’s Lawyers Say Secur­ing Bond For Mas­sive NY Civ­il Busi­ness Fraud Judg­ment Is ‘A Prac­ti­cal Impos­si­bil­i­ty’

Trump’s Lawyers Say Securing Bond For Massive NY Civil Business Fraud Judgment Is ‘A Practical Impossibility’

The lawyers rep­re­sent­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump said on Mon­day that their client has been unsuc­cess­ful in his attempts to secure bond for Judge Arthur Engoron’s $464 mil­lion civ­il busi­ness fraud judg­ment against him and his com­pa­ny.
Trump’s team sub­mit­ted a fil­ing in the New York Appeals Court, say­ing that despite Trump’s efforts, sure­tors wouldn’t accept real estate as col­lat­er­al, mean­ing the Trump Orga­ni­za­tion must come up with around $1 bil­lion in cash to con­tin­ue to oper­ate, T …