SCOTUS Indef­i­nite­ly Blocks Texas Law Allow­ing Police To Arrest Ille­gal Immi­grants

SCOTUS Indefinitely Blocks Texas Law Allowing Police To Arrest Illegal Immigrants

A Texas immi­gra­tion law per­mit­ting state offi­cials to arrest immi­grants sus­pect­ed of enter­ing the Unit­ed States ille­gal­ly has been indef­i­nite­ly blocked by the Supreme Court.
The nation’s high­est court extend­ed an admin­is­tra­tive stay on the con­tro­ver­sial state law on Mon­day while it con­sid­ers an emer­gency appeal by the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, CNN report­ed. Sen­ate Bill 4, signed into law by Repub­li­can Gov­er­nor Greg Abbott in Decem­ber, was ini­tial­ly blocked by a fed­er­al judge before a fed­er­al appeals court reversed the judge’s deci­sion and allowed the law to go into effect. How­ev­er, the Supreme Court s …