‘When Did You Stop Beat­ing Your Wife’; WH Official’s Reply Leaves Doocy FLOORED

With the lone pos­si­ble excep­tion of Fri­day, Mon­day marked per­haps the week’s lone White House press brief­ing and Biden Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advis­er Jake Sul­li­van cer­tain­ly made waves for his decid­ed­ly anti-Israel piv­ot to help his boss Pres­i­dent Biden stave off fur­ther hem­or­rhag­ing of pro-Hamas Arab vot­ers (such as argu­ing Jews med­dle in U.S. elec­tions) and telling Peter Doocy his ques­tion was akin to the phrase “when did you stop beat­ing your wife”.
The ques­tion that drew Sullivan’s …