Boe­ing CFO says com­pa­ny will spend more than expect­ed on secu­ri­ty fix­es fol­low­ing qual­i­ty con­cerns

Boeing CFO says company will spend more than expected on security fixes following quality concerns

Boeing‘s chief finan­cial offi­cer warned investors that the com­pa­ny will expend more cash than expect­ed in the first quar­ter as the plane­mak­er grap­ples with law­suits and pro­duc­tion delays. 
Boe­ing is expect­ed to spend between $4 bil­lion and $4.5 bil­lion, which is “high­er than we orig­i­nal­ly planned back in Jan­u­ary,” CFO Bri­an West told investors at a Bank of Amer­i­ca con­fer­ence on Wednes­day. 
Ana­lysts ini­tial­ly antic­i­pat­ed that Boe­ing would have a $1 bil­lion neg­a­tive cash flow in the first quar­ter; now they are pre­dict­ing about a $5 bil­lion pos­i­tive cash flow for 2024, the Wall Street Jour­nal report­ed. 
Fol­low­ing the Jan. 5 Alas­ka Air­lines door plug blowout, Boeing’s stock fell, though it had nev­er tru­ly recov­ered to num­bers before two dead­ly plane crash­es in 2018 and 2019. 
“We’re delib­er­ate­ly going to slow to get this right, and we’re the ones who made the deci­sion to con­strain rates on the 737 pro­gram below 38 per month until we feel like we’re ready,” West said. “And we’ll …