Dear Anti-Free Speech Bureau­crats, Rep. Hage­man Would Like a Word: MRC UnCen­sored

Rep. Har­ri­et Hage­man (R‑WY) con­veyed to MRC Free Speech Amer­i­ca Vice Pres­i­dent Dan Schnei­der her plans to pro­tect free speech on the lat­est episode of MRC Uncen­sored.
Hage­man and Schnei­der dis­cussed the congresswoman’s new bill empow­er­ing Amer­i­cans to hold gov­ern­ment offi­cials account­able when their First Amend­ment rights are infringed upon. “[O]ur gov­ern­ment has been weaponized against us. And one of the most obvi­ous exam­ples of that is the attack on the First Amend­ment,” she told Schnei­der. Hageman’s new bill, the Cen­sor­ship Account­abil­i­ty Act, would allow cit­i­zens to …