CNN Nor­mal­izes AOC’s Illit­er­a­cy in Sim­ple Legal Jar­gon

CNN Normalizes AOC’s Illiteracy in Simple Legal Jargon

By now, you’ve prob­a­bly seen Con­gress­woman Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez (D‑NY) shout­ing “RICO is not a crime!” dur­ing a House impeach­ment hear­ing of Pres­i­dent Biden. If a Repub­li­can law­mak­er or for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump had made that dec­la­ra­tion about the RICO charges filed against the lat­ter in Geor­gia, they would’ve been ridiculed by CNN for mak­ing such a ridicu­lous state­ment. But dur­ing Thurs­day’s CNN This Morn­ing, host Kasie Hunt had no such ridicule for Oca­sio-Cortez. Instead, they seemed to hy …