House Democ­rats who vot­ed against anti-Tik­Tok bill took cash from its lob­by­ing army

House Democrats who voted against anti-TikTok bill took cash from its lobbying army

Tik­Tok lob­by­ists sprin­kled cash into the cam­paign cof­fers for some House Democ­rats who lat­er vot­ed against a bill that could lead to the pop­u­lar social media app being banned in the Unit­ed States, records show.
In March, Reps. Jim Clyburn (D‑SC), Greg Casar (D‑TX), and Jamaal Bow­man (D‑NY) opposed the bipar­ti­san Pro­tect­ing Amer­i­cans from For­eign Adver­sary Con­trolled Appli­ca­tions Act, which passed the House and would require the com­pa­ny ByteDance to sell off Tik­Tok with­in six months or see its app face a ban. The three mem­bers accept­ed cam­paign dona­tions in recent years from TikTok’s lob­by­ing army in the U.S., with Bow­man notably rack­ing up hun­dreds of thou­sands of fol­low­ers on the app.
That Clyburn, Casar, and Bow­man have been booste …