Israel’s renewed bat­tle at Shi­fa Hos­pi­tal emblem­at­ic of dif­fi­cul­ty wip­ing out Hamas

Israel’s renewed battle at Shifa Hospital emblematic of difficulty wiping out Hamas

The Shi­fa Hos­pi­tal in Gaza has been emblem­at­ic of how embed­ded Hamas is in the every­day life of the enclave, and its return to head­lines months after Israel seized it demon­strates the country’s con­tin­ued fight against the ter­ror­ist group.
Last Novem­ber, the Israel Defense Forces took con­trol of the hos­pi­tal in the north­ern part of the strip after it became clear Hamas was using it to shield itself from rec­i­p­ro­cal attacks, a com­mon tac­tic of the extrem­ists. Israeli forces dis­cov­ered under­ground infra­struc­ture beneath the hos­pi­tal pre­vi­ous­ly used by Hamas.
From then on, Israel had sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly moved its way south. But in recent days, Israeli forces …