Mega Mil­lions jack­pot soars to near­ly $1 bil­lion. Here’s what to know

Mega Millions jackpot soars to nearly  billion. Here’s what to know

SCOTT MCFETRIDGE (AP) — The win­ning num­bers for a near­ly $1 bil­lion Mega Mil­lions lot­tery prize will be drawn Fri­day night, offer­ing sud­den rich­es to any lucky play­er who match­es them and almost cer­tain dis­ap­point­ment for every­one else.
Since three months have passed with­out a win­ner, the Mega Mil­lions jack­pot has grown to an esti­mat­ed $977 mil­lion. That large prize reflects the incred­i­bly long odds of win­ning the jack­pot, as the longer the stretch with­out a win­ner, the more the prize grows.
The jack­pot ranks as the 10th largest in U.S. lot­tery his­to­ry — about half the size of a record $2.04 bil­lion Power­ball prize won in Novem­ber 2022.
How do I play?
Play­ers can buy tick­ets for $2 and select six num­bers from sep­a­rate pools. Five of the selec­tions come from one pool, with dif­fer­ent num­bers from 1 to 70, and the oth­er is for the Mega Ball, with num­bers fr …