Shoplift­ing and suf­fer­ing in San Fran­cis­co

Shoplifting and suffering in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO — The sharp stench of days-old urine mixed with filth and feces has become an all too famil­iar smell in the Gold­en Gate City. 
So is the sight of zom­bielike adults, weav­ing on and off the side­walks and onto the street, too blitzed on mind-bend­ing sub­stances and booze to real­ize they are just sec­onds away from being hit by a car. Loud horns being honked by irri­tat­ed dri­vers send momen­tary shocks to the sys­tem, but just sec­onds lat­er, their glassy-eyed con­fu­sion, drool­ing, and gib­ber­ish return. 
Then there’s fen­tanyl, the cheap street drug that doesn’t dis­crim­i­nate. 
It’s 100 times stronger than mor­phine and 50 times more potent than hero­in. Even a tiny quan­ti­ty can kill. The fen­tanyl addicts are easy to spot in San Fran­cis­co, where an aver­age of two die per day on the syn­thet­ic opi­oid. These men and women either have nee­dles stick­ing out of their arms or are bent over on th …