As 2024 Elec­tions Loom, Biden Admin Worked with Anti-Free Speech ‘Dig­i­tal Brown­shirts’

As 2024 Elections Loom, Biden Admin Worked with Anti-Free Speech ‘Digital Brownshirts’

New­ly released doc­u­ments con­firm that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion coor­di­nat­ed with a UK group to tram­ple free speech.
The Biden White House “part­nered with” the UK- and US-based Cen­ter for Coun­ter­ing Dig­i­tal Hate (CCDH) as part of its strat­e­gy to com­bat alleged “domes­tic ter­ror­ism.” New emails obtained by Amer­i­ca First Legal (AFL) expose the administration’s Orwellian project to crush online con­tent with which it dis­agrees. It seems it was no coin­ci­dence that for­mer White House press sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki used a CCDH report, the “Dis­in­for­ma­tion Dozen,” to insist on increased COVID-19 cen­sor­ship in July 2021.
Biden’s “Nation­al Strat­e­gy for Coun­ter­ing Domes­tic Ter­ror­ism” endorsed …