FNC’s Doocy, ABC’s Parks Bat­tle KJP on Bor­der Over­run After She Blames Abbott

Friday’s White House press brief­ing was large­ly dom­i­nat­ed by anti-Israel-lean­ing ques­tions direct­ed toward John Kir­by, but there was still time for the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre to make a fool of her­self with exchanges such as ones with ABC’s MaryAl­ice Parks and Fox’s Peter Doocy over the viral video from our friend Jen­nie Taer at the New York Post and free­lance video­g­ra­ph­er James Bree­den of ille­gal immi­grants over­run­ning a bor­der fence.
To her cred­it despite being a lefty, Parks went first as the sec­ond reporter called on: “Has the Pres­i­dent seen that dra­mat­ic video of migrants surg­ing past Nation­al Guards­men in Texas — in El Paso?”

Jean-Pierre not sur­pris­ing­ly admit­ted she had …