Bit­coin bulls antic­i­pate major moves from com­ing ‘halv­ing’ event

Bitcoin bulls anticipate major moves from coming ‘halving’ event

Investors are hope­ful that a major event called the bit­coin “halv­ing,” hap­pen­ing next month, could dri­ve the price of the cryp­tocur­ren­cy to new record highs.
Bit­coin, after a lengthy slump, is back in the head­lines and break­ing records once again. It recent­ly reached a record high of over $70,000 amid pos­i­tive devel­op­ments in the cryp­to space and gen­er­al opti­mism. And the com­ing halv­ing could fur­ther pro­vide a boost for the cryp­tocur­ren­cy, one that experts say might have some stay­ing pow­er.
Halv­ing is part of bitcoin’s com­pli­cat­ed design. To “mine” for bit­coin, high-pow­ered com­put­ers are used to ver­i­fy vir­tu­al coin trans­ac­tions. Bit­coin oper­ates on what is known as a blockchain, essen­tial­ly a pub­lic ledger, that con­tains the his­to­ry of every trans­ac­tion. The min­ers’ com­put­ers solve com­pli­cat­ed math prob­lems in order to add new blocks to the chain and are in tur …