Here’s how Biden defied the Supreme Court to can­cel $144 bil­lion in stu­dent loans

Here’s how Biden defied the Supreme Court to cancel 4 billion in student loans

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden unveiled anoth­er round in his steady drip of stu­dent debt write-offs on Thurs­day, announc­ing that 78,000 pub­lic sec­tor work­ers would not have to repay $6 bil­lion in loans.
“From day one of my admin­is­tra­tion, I promised to fix bro­ken stu­dent loan pro­grams and make sure high­er edu­ca­tion is a tick­et to the mid­dle class, not a bar­ri­er to oppor­tu­ni­ty,” Biden said. “I won’t back down from using every tool at my dis­pos­al to deliv­er stu­dent debt relief to more Amer­i­cans, and build an econ­o­my from the mid­dle out and bot­tom up.”Biden’s pre­vi­ous loan can­cel­la­tion plan was ruled ille­gal by the Supreme Court. How­ev­er, his more recent debt trans­fers rest on a dif­fer­ent legal author­i­ty than the orig­i­nal, $400 …