Col­umn: Media Go AWOL on Hold­ing the Bidens Account­able

Column: Media Go AWOL on Holding the Bidens Accountable

For the first two years of Joe Biden’s pres­i­den­cy, the par­ti­san Democ­rats of our “lega­cy media” treat­ed the Pelosi-Picked Pan­el on Jan­u­ary 6 as a dom­i­nant sto­ry, wor­thy of hun­dreds of hours of tele­vi­sion cov­er­age, both live cov­er­age of the hear­ings and breath­less cycles of pre­views and reviews. Once Repub­li­cans took over the House, would we have pre­dict­ed this kind of com­mit­tee over­sight cov­er­age would go from Hero to Zero?
On March 20, the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee …