Lar­ry Hogan and the GOP’s blue-state blues

Larry Hogan and the GOP’s blue-state blues

Repub­li­cans often dream of one of their blue-state suc­cess sto­ries trans­lat­ing into an improb­a­ble fed­er­al elec­tion win.
For­mer Mary­land Gov. Lar­ry Hogan is the lat­est. The Repub­li­can is run­ning for Sen­ate from his deep-blue state this year, six years after win­ning reelec­tion with 55.4% of the vote.
Hogan may have a bet­ter chance of win­ning than most Repub­li­cans in his posi­tion, accord­ing to a new Wash­ing­ton Post-Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land poll of the race to replace retir­ing Sen. Ben Cardin (D‑MD). He wins close to a major­i­ty against Prince George’s Coun­ty Exec­u­tive Angela Also­brooks, beat­ing the Demo­c­rat 50% to 36%. Hogan also leads Rep. David Trone (D‑MD) 49% to 37%.
“This poll shows why Democ­rats are pan­ick­ing about Mary­land,” Tate Mitchell, press sec­re­tary for the Sen­ate GOP’s cam­paign arm, said in a st …