Geor­gia leg­is­la­ture pass­es bill aimed at lim­it­ing for­eign influ­ence in elec­tions

Georgia legislature passes bill aimed at limiting foreign influence in elections

Law­mak­ers in Geor­gia passed leg­is­la­tion aimed at lim­it­ing for­eign influ­ence in elec­tions in the Peach State, where it awaits Gov. Bri­an Kemp‘s (R‑GA) approval.
The bill, Sen­ate Bill 368, passed unan­i­mous­ly in the state Sen­ate last month and passed 161–2 in the state House on Thurs­day. Fed­er­al law pro­hibits for­eign nation­als from donat­ing to polit­i­cal cam­paigns, and this leg­is­la­tion also bars for­eign nation­als from mak­ing dona­tions to polit­i­cal can­di­dates, cam­paigns, and com­mit­tees in Geor­gia.
The leg­is­la­tion also requires cit­i­zens act­ing as rep­re­sen­ta­tives of for­eign enti­ties, with respect to donat­ing to polit­i­cal cam­paigns and com­mit­tees, to reg­is­ter with the Geor­gia State Ethics Com­mis­sion. Advo­cates of the bill, includ­ing Repub­li­can state …