Jew­ish stu­dents feel ‘unsafe’ on cam­pus with anti-Israel sen­ti­ment on the rise

Jewish students feel ‘unsafe’ on campus with anti-Israel sentiment on the rise

Jew­ish stu­dents are “under siege” on cam­pus, and a poll released Mon­day revealed that the var­i­ous anti-Israel efforts pushed in high­er edu­ca­tion nation­wide have made the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty feel increas­ing­ly unsafe.
Sev­en­ty-three per­cent of Jew­ish stu­dents report­ed feel­ing less safe on cam­pus after the Oct. 7 attack, and it is not the fear of an attack on Amer­i­can soil that scares them but the increas­ing­ly hos­tile envi­ron­ment cam­pus­es have become for Jew­ish stu­dents as anti-Israel ini­tia­tives gain momen­tum.
“Since Oct. 7, Jew­ish stu­dents on cam­pus are fac­ing a dis­turb­ing esca­la­tion of phys­i­cal attacks, harass­ment, and anti­semitism, includ­ing a sharp rise in BDS cam­paigns,” CEO of the Israel on Cam …