Matt Gaetz ‘unleashed the demons’ with­in House GOP: Newt Gin­grich

Posted in Trump
Matt Gaetz ‘unleashed the demons’ within House GOP: Newt Gingrich

For­mer Speak­er of the House Newt Gin­grich said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R‑FL) “unleashed the demons” with his motion to vacate then-Speak­er Kevin McCarthy last Octo­ber, cre­at­ing a “dis­as­ter” for the House Repub­li­can Con­fer­ence ever since.
Gin­grich joined Fox News host Lau­ra Ingra­ham on The Ingra­ham Angle on Fri­day to dis­cuss the recent retire­ment announce­ment of Rep. Mike Gal­lagher (R‑WI), who joins a grow­ing line of GOP rep­re­sen­ta­tives who have decid­ed to leave Con­gress before the ends of their terms. That news came hours after the House passed a bipar­ti­san $1.2 tril­lion spend­ing bill, which prompt­ed Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene to file a motion to vacate Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA), not even five months after he replaced the oust­ed McCarthy.
“We shouldn’t under­es­ti­mate how bad what Matt Gaetz did was for the whole sys­tem,” Gin­grich said. “He unleashed the demons. He went after some­body who had raised $480 mil­lion, had gained seats for three elec­tions in a row, and he drove Kevin …