Wild Dana Bash Con­trast: Scary Trump Prais­es Hitler vs. Biden’s ‘March Mad­ness’ Brack­et

<div>Wild Dana Bash Contrast: Scary Trump Praises Hitler vs. Biden's 'March Madness' Bracket</div>

On Thurs­day, Drew Hold­en of the Wash­ing­ton Free Bea­con tipped every­one on an amaz­ing con­trast of “account­abil­i­ty modes” toward Don­ald Trump and Joe Biden in the last min­utes of Inside Pol­i­tics in the noon hour.
Trump has kind words for geno­ci­dal Nazi mani­acs, but hey, have you seen Biden’s March Mad­ness brack­et?  
First, Bash inter­viewed Trump-despis­ing pun­dit Sarah Long­well of The Bul­wark, and repeat­ed her fel­low CNN host Jim Sciut­to’s hot quotes from his new book that for­mer Trump chief of …