Repub­li­cans say FOID should be void if ille­gal immi­grants can pos­sess guns

(The Cen­ter Square) – Illi­nois House Repub­li­cans are both con­demn­ing and prais­ing a recent fed­er­al judge rul­ing about ille­gal immi­grants being able to car­ry firearms for pro­tec­tion. 
Ear­li­er this month, North­ern Dis­trict of Illi­nois fed­er­al Judge Sharon John­son Cole­man ruled in favor of Herib­er­to Car­ba­jal-Flo­res, a for­eign nation­al in the U.S. ille­gal­ly who was charged with unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of a firearm. She said the law vio­lates the Sec­ond Amend­ment as applied in this one case. 
“The Court finds that Car­ba­jal-Flo­res’ crim­i­nal record, con­tain­ing no improp­er use of a weapon, as well as the non-vio­lent cir­cum­stances of his arrest do not sup­port a …