Buck slams GOP’s focus on mes­sag­ing bills over ‘all kinds of out-of-con­trol prob­lems’

Buck slams GOP’s focus on messaging bills over ‘all kinds of out-of-control problems’

For­mer Rep. Ken Buck (R‑CO) expressed crit­i­cism of House Repub­li­cans for pri­or­i­tiz­ing “mes­sag­ing bills” over issues that Unit­ed States vot­ers have voiced their con­cern.
Buck, who resigned from Con­gress on Fri­day, specif­i­cal­ly crit­i­cized how Repub­li­cans in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives have been focused on impeach­ing mem­bers of the Biden admin­is­tra­tion ever since the par­ty took the major­i­ty last year. He argued that Repub­li­cans in the House are hav­ing “seri­ous prob­lems with set­ting pri­or­i­ties.”
“We have a very trag­ic cir­cum­stance in Ukraine,” Buck told This Week. “We have spi­ral­ing debt, all kinds of out-of-con­trol prob­lems, and we focus on mes­sag­ing bills that get us nowhere.”

Buck’s res­ig­na­tion comes as the House Repub­li­can major­i­ty is shrink­ing great­ly, with Rep. Mike Gal­lagher (R‑WI) also set to ste …