Judge Green­lights Gaetz, Greene Law­suit Against Cal­i­for­nia Cities Over Can­celed ‘Amer­i­ca First’ Ral­lies

Judge Greenlights Gaetz, Greene Lawsuit Against California Cities Over Canceled ‘America First’ Rallies

A fed­er­al judge on Fri­day green­lit legal action from GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz of Flori­da and Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene of Geor­gia against two Cal­i­for­nia cities over ral­lies can­celed in each in 2021.
Gaetz and Greene sued the cities of Ana­heim and River­side last year after mul­ti­ple venues repeat­ed­ly can­celed reser­va­tions by the law­mak­ers to hold Amer­i­ca First ral­lies. The Repub­li­can law­mak­ers allege that the city offi­cials pres­sured the venues to can­cel in response to left­ist back­lash and that the can­cel­la­tions vi …