Judge rules against Trump in hush mon­ey case, set­ting up tri­al for April 15

Judge rules against Trump in hush money case, setting up trial for April 15

A judge in New York sided with Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg at a hear­ing on Mon­day and set a tri­al in the hush mon­ey case against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump to begin on April 15.
Judge Juan Mer­chan found Bragg vio­lat­ed no dis­cov­ery rules after Trump had asked the judge to dis­miss the case or exten­sive­ly delay the tri­al because of a late-stage dump of dis­cov­ery doc­u­ments Trump received this month.
Trump had accused Bragg, an elect­ed Demo­c­rat, of attempt­ing to hide evi­dence in the case that could help Trump after the for­mer pres­i­dent received the dis­cov­ery, involv­ing tens of thou­sands of pages of mate­r­i­al, and found that a frac­tion of it was excul­pa­to­ry.
“It is easy to see the wrong­ful motives that drove [Bragg] to attempt to make …