Mike Gallagher’s depar­ture date throws up road­block for tiny House major­i­ty

Mike Gallagher’s departure date throws up roadblock for tiny House majority

Rep. Mike Gallagher’s (R‑WI) depar­ture from the House on April 19 throws a wrench in the GOP’s small House major­i­ty because the date means the seat will be emp­ty for the remain­der of the term.
Gal­lagher, who serves on the House For­eign Affairs Com­mit­tee, said he would not seek reelec­tion in Feb­ru­ary, but his deci­sion to leave ear­ly has prompt­ed back­lash because his replace­ment will not be elect­ed until Novem­ber.
“I’m dis­ap­point­ed. I think he should have fin­ished out his term,” for­mer Repub­li­can state Sen. Roger Roth, who declared his can­di­da­cy for Gallagher’s seat in Feb­ru­ary, told the Mil­wau­kee Jour­nal Sen­tinel. “I think it’s unfor­tu­nate because it leaves a vacan­cy in Con­gress at, obvi­ous­ly, what could be a crit­i­cal time.”
His depar­ture also leaves House Repub­li­cans with just a one-vote major­i­ty, set­ting up anoth­er hur­dle in the party’s hopes of get­ting any mean­ing­ful leg­is­la­tion passed this Con­gress because it means onl …