News­Busters Pod­cast: Angry Pea­cocks Prance Against Ron­na McDaniel Join­ing NBC

NewsBusters Podcast: Angry Peacocks Prance Against Ronna McDaniel Joining NBC

From NBC’s Meet the Press to MSNBC’s Morn­ing Joe, the lib­er­al bub­ble is in a furi­ous revolt against ex-RNC boss Ron­na McDaniel join­ing their team as a com­men­ta­tor. They want her fired before she begins. But they’re all for ide­o­log­i­cal diversity.…yeah, right.
They can’t stand any­one who defends Don­ald Trump or who would vote for him.
Chuck Todd appeared on his old show to demand the NBC brass apol­o­gize to Kris­ten Welk­er for the embar­rass­ment of hav­ing to inter­view the new NBC com­men­ta­tor. She grilled her for 20 min­utes. Todd said some mock­able things in his Sun­day ser­mon. 
First, that McDaniel’s par­ty appa­ra­tus was guilty of “char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion” of the press. Earth to Chuck:  Have you nev­er engaged with the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Repub­li­cans think YOU and your net­work do LOTS of char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion of Trump, a …