PBS Round­table: Just How ‘Author­i­tar­i­an’ Is Trump, Any­way? Let’s Ask Jonathan Karl

Jonathan Karl is chief Wash­ing­ton cor­re­spon­dent for ABC News and author of Tired of Win­ning: Don­ald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Par­ty. It’s his third expose of Trump’s one-term pres­i­den­cy, and he even admit­ted to writ­ing this one as a warn­ing to vot­ers. Nat­u­ral­ly, on Fri­day, PBS’s tax-sup­port­ed polit­i­cal round­table Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic invit­ed Karl on to plug his book.Host Jef­frey Gold­berg praised the “extra­or­di­nary book” and with snide help from his pan­elists, Atlantic jour­nal­ist Franklin Foer and Wash­ing­ton Post jour­nal­ist Anne Apple­baum, throw­ing around “author­i­tar­i­an” accu­sa­tions, Karl made his cas …