Tik­Tok bill in lim­bo as Sen­ate heads for recess, though law­mak­ers warn of threat

TikTok bill in limbo as Senate heads for recess, though lawmakers warn of threat

While a bipar­ti­san group of sen­a­tors expressed “deep con­cern” about TikTok’s risk to the Amer­i­can pub­lic, the Sen­ate has no clear path for­ward on pass­ing leg­is­la­tion to clamp down on the social media plat­form.
The House passed a bill to push Chi­nese par­ent com­pa­ny ByteDance to divest with­in six months or face being banned in the Unit­ed States. The vote was an over­whelm­ing 352 to 62 in favor. How­ev­er, the bill’s path remains unclear in the upper cham­ber, espe­cial­ly after sen­a­tors are about to break for a two-week con­gres­sion­al recess.
“The dis­trict work peri­od cer­tain­ly has the poten­tial to kill the momen­tum, take the wind out of our sails,” said a Sen­ate aide close to nego­ti­a­tions sur­round­ing the bill in the upper cham­ber. “I can tell you mem­bers on both sides were shocked to find out the extent that the app is able to access users’ per­son­al data, I can’t say more than that.”
The com­ments fol­low a closed-door and clas­si­fied nation­al secu­ri­ty brief­ing sen­a­tors had on …