Tik­Tok Unleash­es Des­per­ate ‘Youth Coun­cil’ Amid Ban Threats

TikTok Unleashes Desperate ‘Youth Council’ Amid Ban Threats

Under pres­sure after the pas­sage of bipar­ti­san House leg­is­la­tion, tox­ic and anti-free speech Tik­Tok has a strange new strat­e­gy: turn teenagers into deci­sion-mak­ers.
Tik­Tok has come under fire for its ties to the com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment, harm­ful algo­rithms for young users, bias and cen­sor­ship. Amid the back­lash, the app is attempt­ing to assuage fears with var­i­ous tac­tics, includ­ing a new “Youth Coun­cil” for teenagers to give input. But will any root prob­lems be addressed?
A March 25 press release fro …