Trump Bond Dead­line Hits On Same Day He’s Set To Appear In Court For Hush Mon­ey Case

Trump Bond Deadline Hits On Same Day He’s Set To Appear In Court For Hush Money Case

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s legal bat­tles are pil­ing up on Mon­day, with the for­mer pres­i­dent appear­ing in court for the hush mon­ey case involv­ing porn actress Stormy Daniels on the same day as the bond dead­line in his $454 mil­lion New York civ­il busi­ness fraud judg­ment.
Trump is expect­ed to appear in a Man­hat­tan court­room on Mon­day and request anoth­er delay in the case against him, where he is charged with fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records while cov­er­ing up an affa …