Court Clerk Accused Of Influ­enc­ing Alex Mur­daugh Jury Resigns

Court Clerk Accused Of Influencing Alex Murdaugh Jury Resigns

The court clerk accused of jury tam­per­ing by Alex Murdaugh’s attor­neys has resigned, near­ly two months after the alle­ga­tions failed to get Mur­daugh a new tri­al.
Rebec­ca Hill, who has denied any wrong­do­ing, stepped down on Mon­day and said she would not run for re-elec­tion, CNN report­ed. Hill held a press con­fer­ence to announce her deci­sion.
She said she was proud of her work as a court clerk, includ­ing her man­age­ment of “one of the biggest tri­als in South Car­oli­na his­to­ry,” refer­ring to the Mur­daugh tri­al.
Mur­daugh was con­vict­ed last year of the mur­ders of his wife, …