Les­ley Stahl of ’60 Min­utes’ Rips Jim Jor­dan, Says X Is ‘Rife with Trash Talk & Lies’

<div>Lesley Stahl of '60 Minutes' Rips Jim Jordan, Says X Is 'Rife with Trash Talk & Lies'</div>

On Sun­day night, the hatch­et-job spe­cial­ists at 60 Min­utes were back on the attack against con­ser­v­a­tives. It was a 13-minute seg­ment provoca­tive­ly titled “The Right to Be Wrong.”
On one side of this cock­eyed chron­i­cle were the alleged­ly non-ide­o­log­i­cal, non­par­ti­san “mis­in­for­ma­tion researchers” – Kate Star­bird, Dar­rell West, Katie Har­bath – who are pre­sent­ed as peo­ple in favor of “fact check­ing” and opposed to “hate speech.” They line up neat­ly with the CBS nar­ra­tive.
On the oth­er side was Rep. Jim Jor­dan (R‑Ohio), the chair­man of the House Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee, who was pre­sent­ed as some­one who doesn’t favor facts, but does sup­port free­dom for “hate speech.”  Stahl refers to “con­ser­v­a­tives” or “the right wing” eight times, but nev­er finds a label for her favored “mis­in­for­ma­tion experts.”
It start­ed out fun­ny, as she told view­ers “Con­ser­vat …