MRC Pres­i­dent Bozell to Google CEO: Give Us ‘Con­crete Proof’ You Aren’t Inter­fer­ing in US Elec­tions

MRC President Bozell to Google CEO: Give Us ‘Concrete Proof’ You Aren’t Interfering in US Elections

The Media Research Cen­ter has put Google on notice: Enough is enough.
MRC Pres­i­dent Brent Bozell is call­ing on the CEO of Alpha­bet, Google’s par­ent com­pa­ny, to dis­prove MRC Free Speech America’s find­ings that the tech giant has med­dled in U.S. elec­tions at least 41 times in the past 16 years to favor the most left-wing can­di­dates.
In a Tues­day let­ter addressed to Alpha­bet CEO Sun­dar Pichai, Bozell posed a sim­ple but crit­i­cal demand: Pro­vide “con­crete proof” Google is not inter­fer­ing in U.S. elec­tions or face the con­se­quences. 
“Amer­i­cans demand answers, and either way, I will make sure they have them,” Bozell wrote in the one-page let­ter. “If I do not hear from you by April 9, I will have no choice but to make your recal­ci­trance pub­lic.”
Bozell’s remarks came after the …